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Holy Family Catholic Homeschoolers

Northeast Ohio Homeschool Group

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Home: Welcome
Bible Lessons

Statement of Purpose

Our group's purpose is to give support and encouragement to all who are homeschooling and want to give their children a truly Catholic education. We want to nurture the family (the domestic church) and give our children the opportunity to make friends and socialize with other Catholic children, providing them with positive peer pressure. Our group consists of Catholics who are faithful to the Holy Father and to all the Church's teachings.


Why Join?

  • Find academic advice and support

  • Socialization and extra-curricular activity opportunities

  • Exposure to curricula, resources, and ideas from other homeschoolers

  • Spiritual and emotional support from other homeschoolers

  • Social networking

  • Build lasting friendships, not only for your children but for you as parents

  • Swap stories and advice

  • Curriculum and book swaps each year

Home: Events

“Thank goodness I was never sent to school. It would have rubbed off all the originality.”

Beatrix Potter

Home: Quote

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